github blog page for stefan


Using JRuby in Maven Project
6 May 2014

Integrating a ruby environment into a Java maven project is quite easy. I recently built BlenderCss, a java project that needed to use the Compass gem. To solution was to utilize the gem via jruby.

BlenderCss in Maven Central
5 May 2014

BlenderCss is now available on maven central.

Closure Stylesheets on Maven Central
30 April 2014

Closure Stylesheets is now available on maven central as a third-party upload.

Google Closure Components
29 April 2014

In google closure, understanding the goog.ui.Component lifecycle is a important part of understanding the library. The component provides a interface to manage all the aspects of a given element.

Events Lifecycle in Google Closure Components.
28 April 2014

Managing events in the lifecycle of a component can be tricky, the standard approach is to use the getHandler() and to listen and unlisten to each class.